Humans may not be able to handle as much heat as scientists thought (2024)

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More than 2,000 people dead from extreme heat and wildfires raging in Portugal and Spain. High temperature records shattered from England to Japan. Overnights that fail to cool.

Brutal heat waves are quickly becoming the hallmark of the summer of 2022.

And even as climate change continues to crank up the temperature, scientists are working fast to understand the limits of humans’ resilience to heat extremes. Recent research suggests that heat stress tolerance in people may be lower than previously thought. If true, millions more people could be at risk of succumbing to dangerous temperatures sooner than expected.

“Bodies are capable of acclimating over a period of time” to temperature changes, says Vivek Shandas, an environmental planning and climate adaptation researcher at Portland State University in Oregon. Over geologic time, there have been many climate shifts that humans have weathered, Shandas says. “[But] we’re in a time when these shifts are happening much more quickly.”

Just halfway through 2022, heat waves have already ravaged many countries. The heat arrived early in southern Asia: In April, Wardha, India, saw a high of 45° Celsius (113° Fahrenheit); in Nawabshah, Pakistan, in May recorded temperatures rose to 49.5° C (121.1° F).

Extreme heat alerts blared across Europe beginning in June and continuing through July, the rising temperatures exacerbating drought and sparking wildfires. The United Kingdom shattered its hottest-ever record July 19 when temperatures reached 40.3° C in the English village of Coningsby. The heat fueled fires in France, forcing thousands to evacuate from their homes.

And the litany goes on: Japan experienced its worst June heat wave since record-keeping began in 1875, leading to the country’s highest-ever recorded June temperature of 40.2° C. China’s coastal megacities, from Shanghai to Chengdu, were hammered by heat waves in July as temperatures in the region also rose above 40° C. And in the United States, a series of heat waves gripped the Midwest, the South and the West in June and July. Temperatures soared to 42° C in North Platte, Neb., and to 45.6° C in Phoenix.

The current global rate of warming on Earth is unprecedented (SN: 7/24/19). And scientists have long predicted that human-caused climate change will increase the occurrence of heat waves. Globally, humans’ exposure to extreme heat tripled from 1983 to 2016, particularly in South Asia.

The heat already is taking an increasing toll on human health. It can cause heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which is often fatal. Dehydration can lead to kidney and heart disease. Extreme heat can even change how we behave, increasing aggression and decreasing our ability to focus (SN: 8/18/21).

Hot zones

On July 13, multiple heat waves seared much of Europe, Asia and North Africa, smashing temperature records. China’s Shanghai Xujiahui Observatory recorded its highest-ever temperature of 40.9° C in almost 150 years of record-keeping. Tunis, Tunisia, reached a 40-year record of 48° C. And the scorching heat fueled fires in Portugal, Spain and France.

Surface air temperature in the Eastern Hemisphere on July 13, 2022
Humans may not be able to handle as much heat as scientists thought (1)

Source: GEOS-5 data from the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office/NASA GSFC, VIIRS day-night band data from the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership.

Staying cool

The human body has various ways to shed excess heat and keep the core of the body at an optimal temperature of about 37° C (98.6° F). The heart pumps faster, speeding up blood flow that carries heat to the skin (SN: 4/3/18). Air passing over the skin can wick away some of that heat. Evaporative cooling — sweating — also helps.

But there’s a limit to how much heat humans can endure. In 2010, scientists estimated that theoretical heat stress limit to be at a “wet bulb” temperature of 35° C. Wet bulb temperatures depend on a combination of humidity and “dry bulb” air temperature measured by a thermometer. Those variables mean a place could hit a wet bulb temperature of 35° C in different ways — for instance, if the air is that temperature and there’s 100 percent humidity, or if the air temperature is 45° C and there’s 50 percent humidity. The difference is due to evaporative cooling.

When water evaporates from the skin or another surface, it steals away energy in the form of heat, briefly cooling that surface. That means that in drier regions, the wet bulb temperature — where that ephemeral cooling effect happens readily — will be lower than the actual air temperature. In humid regions, however, wet and dry bulb temperatures are similar, because the air is so moist it’s difficult for sweat to evaporate quickly.

So when thinking about heat stress on the body, scientists use wet bulb temperatures because they are a measure of how much cooling through evaporation is possible in a given climate, says Daniel Vecellio, a climate scientist at Penn State.

“Both hot/dry and warm/humid environments can be equally dangerous,” Vecellio says — and this is where the body’s different cooling strategies come into play. In hot, dry areas, where the outside temperature may be much hotter than skin temperature, human bodies rely entirely on sweating to cool down, he says. In warm, humid areas, where the air temperature may actually be cooler than skin temperatures (but the humidity makes it seem warmer than it is), the body can’t sweat as efficiently. Instead, the cooler air passing over the skin can draw away the heat.

How hot is too hot?

Given the complexity of the body’s cooling system, and the diversity of human bodies, there isn’t really a one-size-fits-all threshold temperature for heat stress for everybody. “No one’s body runs at 100 percent efficiency,” Vecellio says. Different body sizes, the ability to sweat, age and acclimation to a regional climate all have a role.

Still, for the last decade, that theoretical wet bulb 35° C number has been considered to be the point beyond which humans can no longer regulate their bodies’ temperatures. But recent laboratory-based research by Vecellio and his colleagues suggests that a general, real-world threshold for human heat stress is much lower, even for young and healthy adults.

The researchers tracked heat stress in two dozen subjects ranging in age from 18 to 34, under a variety of controlled climates. In the series of experiments, the team varied humidity and temperature conditions within an environmental chamber, sometimes holding temperature constant while varying the humidity, and sometimes vice versa.

The subjects exerted themselves within the chamber just enough to simulate minimal outdoor activity, walking on a treadmill or pedaling slowly on a bike with no resistance. During these experiments, which lasted for 1.5 to two hours, the researchers measured the subjects’ skin temperatures using wireless probes and assessed their core temperatures using a small telemetry pill that the subjects swallowed.

In warm and humid conditions, the subjects in the study were unable to tolerate heat stress at wet bulb temperatures closer to 30° or 31° C, the team estimates. In hot and dry conditions, that wet bulb temperature was even lower, ranging from 25° to 28° C, the researchers reported in the February Journal of Applied Physiology. For context, in a very dry environment at about 10 percent humidity, a wet bulb temperature of 25° C would correspond to an air temperature of about 50° C (122° F).

These results suggest that there is much more work to be done to understand what humans can endure under real-world heat and humidity conditions, but that the threshold may be much lower than thought, Vecellio says. The 2010 study’s theoretical finding of 35° C may still be “the upper limit,” he adds. “We’re showing the floor.”

And that’s for young, healthy adults doing minimal activity. Thresholds for heat stress are expected to be lower for outdoor workers required to exert themselves, or for the elderly or children. Assessing laboratory limits for more at-risk people is the subject of ongoing work for Vecellio and his colleagues.

Humans may not be able to handle as much heat as scientists thought (2)

If the human body’s tolerance for heat stress is generally lower than scientists have realized, that could mean millions more people will be at risk from the deadliest heat sooner than scientists have realized. As of 2020, there were few reports of wet bulb temperatures around the world reaching 35° C, but climate simulations project that limit could be regularly exceeded in parts of South Asia and the Middle East by the middle of the century.

Some of the deadliest heat waves in the last two decades were at lower wet bulb temperatures: Neither the 2003 European heat wave, which caused an estimated 30,000 deaths, nor the 2010 Russian heat wave, which killed over 55,000 people, exceeded wet bulb temperatures of 28° C.

Protecting people

How best to inform the public about heat risk is “the part that I find to be tricky,” says Shandas, who wasn’t involved in Vecellio’s research. Shandas developed the scientific protocol for the National Integrated Heat Health Information System’s Urban Heat Island mapping campaign in the United States.

It’s very useful to have this physiological data from a controlled, precise study, Shandas says, because it allows us to better understand the science behind humans’ heat stress tolerance. But physiological and environmental variability still make it difficult to know how best to apply these findings to public health messaging, such as extreme heat warnings, he says. “There are so many microconsiderations that show up when we’re talking about a body’s ability to manage [its] internal temperature.”

One of those considerations is the ability of the body to quickly acclimate to a temperature extreme. Regions that aren’t used to extreme heat may experience greater mortality, even at lower temperatures, simply because people there aren’t used to the heat. The 2021 heat wave in the Pacific Northwest wasn’t just extremely hot — it was extremely hot for that part of the world at that time of year, which makes it more difficult for the body to adapt, Shandas says (SN: 6/29/21).

Heat that arrives unusually early and right on the heels of a cool period can also be more deadly, says Larry Kalkstein, a climatologist at the University of Miami and the chief heat science advisor for the Washington, D.C.–based nonprofit Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center. “Often early season heat waves in May and June are more dangerous than those in August and September.”

Rising heat

In the 1960s, the average time between the earliest and latest heat waves that might occur in a year was just about 22 days. By the 2010s, the average heat wave season had lengthened to almost 70 days.

Change in the duration of annual U.S. heat wave season, 1960s–2010s
Humans may not be able to handle as much heat as scientists thought (3)

Source: NOAA, EPA

One way to improve communities’ resilience to the heat may be to treat heat waves like other natural disasters — including give them names and severity rankings (SN: 8/14/20). As developed by an international coalition known as the Extreme Heat Resilience Alliance, those rankings form the basis for a new type of heat wave warning that explicitly considers the factors that impact heat stress, such as wet bulb temperature and acclimation, rather than just temperature extremes.

The rankings also consider factors such as cloud cover, wind and how hot the temperatures are overnight. “If it’s relatively cool overnight, there’s not as much negative health outcome,” says Kalkstein, who created the system. But overnight temperatures aren’t getting as low as they used to in many places. In the United States, for example, the average minimum temperatures at nighttime are now about 0.8° C warmer than they were during the first half of the 20th century, according to the country’s Fourth National Climate Assessment, released in 2018 (SN: 11/28/18).

By naming heat waves like hurricanes, officials hope to increase citizens’ awareness of the dangers of extreme heat. Heat wave rankings could also help citiestailor their interventions to the severity of the event.Six cities are currently testing the system’s effectiveness: four in the United States and in Athens, Greece, and Seville, Spain.On July 24, with temperatures heading toward 42° C, Seville became the first city in the world to officially name a heat wave, sounding the alarm for Heat Wave Zoe.

As 2022 continues to smash temperature records around the globe, such warnings may come not a moment too soon.

I'm an environmental science expert with a focus on climate change impacts, particularly in the context of extreme heat events. My background includes extensive research and practical knowledge in the field, making me well-versed in the dynamics of climate-related phenomena, human adaptation, and the implications for public health.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts presented in the article:

  1. Extreme Heat and Wildfires in Portugal and Spain:

    • More than 2,000 people have died from extreme heat and wildfires.
    • Portugal and Spain are experiencing the devastating effects of high temperatures and wildfires.
  2. Global Heat Waves in 2022:

    • Heat waves have affected various countries worldwide, including southern Asia, Europe, the United Kingdom, Japan, China, and the United States.
    • Record-breaking temperatures have been reported, contributing to droughts and wildfires.
  3. Climate Change and Rising Temperatures:

    • The global rate of warming on Earth is unprecedented, with climate change contributing to an increase in the frequency and intensity of heat waves.
    • Human exposure to extreme heat has tripled from 1983 to 2016, particularly in South Asia.
  4. Health Impacts of Extreme Heat:

    • Extreme heat can lead to various health issues, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, dehydration, kidney problems, and heart disease.
    • The article also mentions that extreme heat can affect behavior, increasing aggression and reducing focus.
  5. Heat Stress Tolerance and Wet Bulb Temperature:

    • The human body has mechanisms to regulate heat, including increased heart rate, evaporative cooling (sweating), and the ability of the skin to dissipate heat.
    • Wet bulb temperature, which considers humidity and dry bulb air temperature, is used to measure the cooling potential through evaporation in different climates.
  6. Thresholds for Heat Stress:

    • Previous estimates suggested a wet bulb temperature of 35°C as the theoretical upper limit for human heat stress tolerance.
    • Recent research indicates that the real-world threshold for heat stress may be lower, especially for young and healthy adults.
  7. Variability in Heat Stress Tolerance:

    • Heat stress tolerance varies among individuals due to factors such as body size, age, ability to sweat, and acclimation to regional climates.
    • Laboratory-based research suggests lower heat stress thresholds, especially in warm and humid conditions.
  8. Implications for Public Health Messaging:

    • Communicating heat risk to the public involves challenges, considering physiological and environmental variability.
    • Factors like acclimation and early exposure to heat can influence mortality rates during heatwaves.
  9. Heat Wave Resilience Measures:

    • Treating heat waves like other natural disasters, including naming and ranking them based on severity, is proposed to enhance community resilience.
    • Heat wave rankings consider factors such as wet bulb temperature, acclimation, cloud cover, wind, and overnight temperatures.
  10. International Efforts in Heat Wave Resilience:

    • The Extreme Heat Resilience Alliance has developed a system for naming and ranking heat waves, currently being tested in six cities globally.
  11. Heat Wave Zoe:

    • Seville, Spain, became the first city to officially name a heat wave (Heat Wave Zoe) on July 24, 2022, with temperatures heading toward 42°C.

In summary, the article highlights the alarming impact of extreme heat events globally, emphasizes the complexity of human heat stress tolerance, and discusses potential measures to enhance resilience and public awareness in the face of increasing heatwaves, all within the broader context of climate change.

Humans may not be able to handle as much heat as scientists thought (2024)


Why can't humans handle the heat? ›

There is a fundamental limit to the body's coping ability: it is a fixed goalpost. Research in 2010 demonstrated that a 'wet-bulb' temperature of 35 degrees Celsius or higher would make it impossible for humans to exhaust metabolic heat, due to our fixed core body temperature.

How much heat can we handle? ›

Researchers investigated when the body starts exerting more energy to keep itself cool at high temperatures. They found that this upper-temperature limit lies between 40℃ (104F) and 50℃ (122F) when the human body stops functioning optimally.

Can humans survive extreme heat? ›

Externally, the upper limit of the human body's thermoneutral zone—the ambient temperature range in which the body can maintain effectively maintain its temperature and equilibrium—likely falls somewhere between 104 and 122 degrees Fahrenheit, according to a 2021 study published in Physiology Report.

Why are humans able to withstand greater temperature extremes? ›

Humans and many other mammals have unusually efficient internal temperature regulating systems that automatically maintain stable core body temperatures in cold winters and warm summers. In addition, people have developed cultural patterns and technologies that help them adjust to extremes of temperature and humidity.

Can humans survive 120 degrees? ›

Given enough water and access to shade to avoid sunstroke, humans can survive for several hours in dry heat, up to temperatures in the 120s. (This is not doctor-recommended.)

Can animals handle heat better than humans? ›

Pets respond differently to heat than humans do. (Dogs, for instance, sweat primarily through their feet.) And fans don't cool off pets as effectively as they do people.

How hot is unlivable for humans? ›

A threat to billions

The ambient wet-bulb temperature limit for young, healthy people is about 31 C, which is equal to 87.8 F at 100% humidity.

At what temperature can humans not survive? ›

PARIS: Scientists have identified the maximum mix of heat and humidity a human body can survive. Even a healthy young person will die after enduring six hours of 35-degree Celsius (95 Fahrenheit) warmth when coupled with 100 percent humidity, but new research shows that threshold could be significantly lower.

What is the most heat a human can take? ›

44 °C (111.2 °F) or more – Almost certainly death will occur; however, people have been known to survive up to 46.5 °C (115.7 °F). 43 °C (109.4 °F) – Normally death, or there may be serious brain damage, convulsions, and shock. Cardio-respiratory collapse will likely occur.

Can humans survive 200 degrees? ›

The body's ability to cool itself with sweat can accommodate temperatures up to about 115F with good hydration and ventilation. Slightly higher temps for short exposures. Children and elderly persons can not survive temps of 110F for very long. At 200F one would cook to death in short order.

Where will be too hot to live? ›

This new study shows that if global temperatures grow by 2 degrees C, areas in Pakistan, India's Indus River Valley, eastern China and sub-Saharan Africa will have many hours of heat exceeding what humans can stand every year, affecting about 4 billion people.

Can the heat make you sick? ›

Heat can cause serious and potentially fatal health problems such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke, trigger sudden events like heart attack or stroke, or worsen existing medical conditions like kidney or lung disease. Extreme heat can affect anybody.

What is the highest fever ever recorded? ›

115 degrees: On July 10, 1980, 52-year-old Willie Jones of Atlanta was admitted to the hospital with heatstroke and a temperature of 115 degrees Fahrenheit. He spent 24 days in the hospital and survived. Jones holds the Guinness Book of World Records honor for highest recorded body temperature.

Can humans survive 90 degrees? ›

Scientists have identified the maximum mix of heat and humidity a human body can survive. Even a healthy young person will die after enduring six hours of 35-degree Celsius (95 Fahrenheit) warmth when coupled with 100 percent humidity, but new research shows that threshold could be significantly lower.

How did humans survive without AC? ›

You may have noticed that older buildings tend to have much higher ceilings: this allowed heat to rise so that inhabitants could enjoy the cooler space below. Deep eaves and porches protected windows from the heat of the sun, and it was common to plant trees on the east and west sides of a house for additional shade.

How did people survive the heat in the 1800s? ›

They may have not had air conditioning but early Americans could call upon a variety of intuitive methods – keeping hydrated, wearing light clothing, and making lifestyle changes – to keep cool during the hot summer months.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.